8:28 am
December 20, 2016

from email received today:
On March 14, 2024, the Earn More Park Account and the 2023-2024 Earn More Promo will end and the rate for both promotional accounts will automatically change to 0.25%. On April 1, 2024, any remaining funds in either promotional account will automatically transition to an Earn More Savings Account that is currently at 0.25% (Rate is subject to change).
But at the same time, we’re excited to announce another opportunity for you to amplify your savings potential with the launch of a brand-new Earn More promotion on March 15!
8:51 am
October 1, 2020

Nehpets said
from email received today:On March 14, 2024, the Earn More Park Account and the 2023-2024 Earn More Promo will end and the rate for both promotional accounts will automatically change to 0.25%. On April 1, 2024, any remaining funds in either promotional account will automatically transition to an Earn More Savings Account that is currently at 0.25% (Rate is subject to change).
But at the same time, we’re excited to announce another opportunity for you to amplify your savings potential with the launch of a brand-new Earn More promotion on March 15!
Lay your bets on the new rate... my guess is 4.75%
10:05 am
January 7, 2020

10:15 am
September 15, 2017

Very unfair that Duca gave us no advance notice of the rate change! At the same time, why didn't they advise us what the new promo will be instead of waiting till tomorrow? Terrible customer/member relations! Today paying .25% instead of 5.25%.
The new "Earn More" promo might not be a savings account, but another product. Otherwise, they could have just lowered the rate on the existing promo savings account, as they have in the past.
11:00 am
March 30, 2017

12:49 pm
January 7, 2020

2:04 pm
March 21, 2017

11:02 am
May 27, 2016

Somebody needs to explain to me why DUCA would do this. I totally get that promotions have to end at some point, but by handling it this way they are effectively forcing members who already have money on deposit at DUCA to move it to another FI or accept 1/4%, which is ludicrous.
Do they think they'll attract a higher amount of new money to come in than they'll lose on a net basis? And even in that were true, why tell the existing customers to take a hike? Why not try to have both?
Or do they believe they're going to successfully bully the existing promo account depositors into buying GICs instead? Not gonna happen for me -- if I was in a position to tie my DUCA money up for a longer term, I'd have already done that.
Lastly, why isn't my money that's already happily at DUCA apparently not worthy of continuing to pay 5.25% on, but somehow soliciting a stranger's money on spec to replace my deposit is apparently worth offering to pay 6.00% on? Where's the business sense in that?
I suppose they have their reasons but they've sure got me stumped
11:38 am
March 30, 2017

Londonguy said
Somebody needs to explain to me why DUCA would do this. I totally get that promotions have to end at some point, but by handling it this way they are effectively forcing members who already have money on deposit at DUCA to move it to another FI or accept 1/4%, which is ludicrous.Do they think they'll attract a higher amount of new money to come in than they'll lose on a net basis? And even in that were true, why tell the existing customers to take a hike? Why not try to have both?
Or do they believe they're going to successfully bully the existing promo account depositors into buying GICs instead? Not gonna happen for me -- if I was in a position to tie my DUCA money up for a longer term, I'd have already done that.
Lastly, why isn't my money that's already happily at DUCA apparently not worthy of continuing to pay 5.25% on, but somehow soliciting a stranger's money on spec to replace my deposit is apparently worth offering to pay 6.00% on? Where's the business sense in that?
I suppose they have their reasons but they've sure got me stumped
All FIs, telecom, all corporates in essence favor new customers over old, thats the new business model of the 21 century. That is ok with me, if they dont value my loyalty, I wont be loyal either.
12:00 pm
May 26, 2022

The 6% PROMO is for new money. Rules are you need to move your current DUCA money outside and transfer new money from outside to the 6% DUCA account. If you are a long time customer with substantial savings, and you ask nicely, DUCA might bend the rules today & transfer your existing DUCA money directly into the new 6% account
1:43 pm
March 30, 2017

Greedy Guy said
The 6% PROMO is for new money. Rules are you need to move your current DUCA money outside and transfer new money from outside to the 6% DUCA account. If you are a long time customer with substantial savings, and you ask nicely, DUCA might bend the rules today & transfer your existing DUCA money directly into the new 6% account
Actually for today only, when you are online and open the new 6% account, you CAN (first deposit only) transfer full amount from the 2023-2024 promo acct (the now old account) over to the new 2024 6% promo account. They dont advertise it out loud or maybe a loop hole but it works. So essentially ur "existing" money are now earning 6%.
Keep in mind this method ONLY WORKS on the first deposit when u open the 6% account. You wont be able to do it in subsequent transfer ! Make sure u understand the steps BEFORE U PROCEED !
2:47 pm
August 20, 2019

savemoresaveoften said
Actually for today only, when you are online and open the new 6% account, you CAN (first deposit only) transfer full amount from the 2023-2024 promo acct (the now old account) over to the new 2024 6% promo account. They dont advertise it out loud or maybe a loop hole but it works. So essentially ur "existing" money are now earning 6%.
Keep in mind this method ONLY WORKS on the first deposit when u open the 6% account. You wont be able to do it in subsequent transfer ! Make sure u understand the steps BEFORE U PROCEED !
Permission for me to do this was pending and I have not heard from Duca to do this as yet. I continued to transfer out of Duca.
3:58 pm
May 27, 2016

AR said
Permission for me to do this was pending and I have not heard from Duca to do this as yet. I continued to transfer out of Duca.
I'm with you, I'm outta there.
I'm a long term member (8 years I think, maybe longer) with enough currently on deposit at DUCA that I could buy another house with it. Things were just fine on both sides of that arrangement, and then for some incomprehensible reason they intentionally (or perhaps inadvertently) construct a new promotion that forces me to take my money out of the bank in my own self-defense. Did anyone at DUCA think through the consequences? Who knows.
Voila, in less than 48 hours they needlessly destroyed a good client relationship while simultaneously impairing their own deposit base, which will now have to be backfilled with new accounts (and at a higher paying interest rate) just to break even. Pure genius
4:25 pm
March 30, 2017

AR said
Permission for me to do this was pending and I have not heard from Duca to do this as yet. I continued to transfer out of Duca.
U don’t need permission if u open the new account online yourself and it will prompt you for initial deposit, which you can transfer from the ‘old’ promo account. I among others on RFD are living proof it works.
That’s why I described it as ‘maybe a loophole’
4:37 pm
August 20, 2019

Londonguy, I intend to put the money back into Duca. It's paying the most for now. It will take only a few days. Coast uses flinks for transfers on the app (seen in video in t&c). I do not like flinks. Figuring out Coast Capital is too complicated.
I have other offers as well.
savemoresaveoften, Yes, I believe you and the great people at rfd. Duca may be okay with it but I think it was Manulife(?) who returned deposits for trying a get around procedure.
Please write your comments in the forum.