1:30 pm
February 27, 2018

Norman1 said
Kidd said
How many of you remember Eddie Haskell? He found a way to honestly beat the big banks and prosper in doing so.With his credit card he bought something that he wanted, say for $200. When the bill came due... Eddie bought something for someone else at a higher cost than his bill, say for $250. He demanded instant payment from the other party. Eddie then paid his $200 credit card bill and pocketed the extra $50 he received. He was ahead of his time.
…Not sure how that would work out. Next month, the $250 purchase would be on the credit card bill. He would only have $50 in his pocket and no $250 item to return.
Eddie was always looking for a bigger fish to fry. Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.
Next month he'd have someone buy something worth $500, and then he'd pocket $250.
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