10:00 am
December 22, 2011

I noticed an article today that Target will give 5% discount back when you use their credit or debit card called the "Redcard" when they open here in Canada in the spring. The article says Loblaws and Canadian Tire will upgrade their rewards programs as well in the near future. Here's the link I found..
11:14 am
December 23, 2011

moneysaver said
I noticed an article today that Target will give 5% discount back when you use their credit or debit card called the "Redcard" when they open here in Canada in the spring. The article says Loblaws and Canadian Tire will upgrade their rewards programs as well in the near future. Here's the link I found..
Caution Caution Caution
Keep a few things in mind about Target.
Prices in Canada are much higher when a US company enters the scene.
Home Depot IS 20-100% higher for same item in Canada
Winners (Marshals, TJ Max) IS 25% higher for the same item in Canada
Target has a great history, clean stores and they appear to have competitive prices in the USA but they are NOT the best price in the USA.
Do your homework before shop there.
2:17 pm
November 8, 2009

Target always struck me as just another version of Walmart except the dominant color is red not blue....
Mostly the same imported stuff too. I just dont see the fuss of people salivating for the stores to open?
How does anyone have any money left to spend when a recent report said Canadians are carrying more debt that the USA? Isnt it like a debt ratio of 164% on average now? How much crap do people need to buy? CRAZY.
3:01 pm
December 23, 2011

kilarney said
Target always struck me as just another version of Walmart except the dominant color is red not blue....
Mostly the same imported stuff too. I just dont see the fuss of people salivating for the stores to open?
How does anyone have any money left to spend when a recent report said Canadians are carrying more debt that the USA? Isnt it like a debt ratio of 164% on average now? How much crap do people need to buy? CRAZY.
I guess what I was trying to say ...... Walmart out does Target in pricing. A case of pop 3.89 at Walmart and the same at Target is over 5.00. Be cautious.....Target is not really a discount store. It has value and product but dont feel warm and cozy that it is a one shop stop for the best price!!!!
4:18 pm
October 5, 2009

kanaka said
Be cautious.....Target is not really a discount store. It has value and product but dont feel warm and cozy that it is a one shop stop for the best price!!!!
I am not very excited about Target coming to town. Everything I have read about it is rather negative. Their return policy for unsatifactory merchandise is just about zip! "You bought it! It's yours!" They carry very little in the way of top name brands or high end models. I looked at their TVs on the web, and they carry nothing I would buy. Of familiar name brands, they only carry the very lowest end models, plus mostly a lot of offbeat obscure brands you've never heard of before.
I doubt that we will be doing much shopping at Target.
10:17 am
July 10, 2011

1:48 pm
December 22, 2011

Yatti420 said
We have a Target building in a mall near me.. How do we go about getting this 5% discount? Store credit card?
What I have found out is that the credit card is a RBC Target Mastercard with no annual fee. You can get a debit card from Target as well which is linked to your chequing account and the debit card is used only at Target Canada stores according to Target's website. There is a link with some FAQ's on Target Canada's website about the two cards. Here's the link...
2:44 pm
December 23, 2011

moneysaver said
Yatti420 said
We have a Target building in a mall near me.. How do we go about getting this 5% discount? Store credit card?
What I have found out is that the credit card is a RBC Target Mastercard with no annual fee. You can get a debit card from Target as well which is linked to your chequing account and the debit card is used only at Target Canada stores according to Target's website. There is a link with some FAQ's on Target Canada's website about the two cards. Here's the link...
I guess 5% is better than nothing. But what does that tell you about their prices, to afford to give 5% off. Most American retailers offer coupons or % off very frequently. And better if you are a senior...Ross 10% off every Tuesday, Fred Meyer 10% off every day, and so on. And another credit card....come on... any one here is likely very money conscious and probably only has one or two cards that give them their best return based on their needs. While Target has some good stuff for the ladies in cosmetics (Boots brand from England) don't get caught up in their marketing!!!! Just wait till the newness wears off and Target won't be any better than what Zellers was. As Canadian cross border shopper have I shopped at Target...yes a few times....did I buy anything NO...but my wife did...is it worth while to shop there every time we cross...absolutely not.
Let's face it.....the first thing they need to do is build loyalty and give us as many options as possible to take our hard earned dollars.
To be loyal to specific retailers, gas bars, restaurants is a thing of the past!!!
4:21 pm
October 5, 2009

kanaka said
Just wait till the newness wears off and Target won't be any better than what Zellers was. As Canadian cross border shopper have I shopped at Target...yes a few times....did I buy anything NO...but my wife did...is it worth while to shop there every time we cross...absolutely not.Let's face it.....the first thing they need to do is build loyalty and give us as many options as possible to take our hard earned dollars.
To be loyal to specific retailers, gas bars, restaurants is a thing of the past!!!
Well . . . Target finally opened in our area, and we joined the crowd of browsers surveying the new competition in town. Most of the crowd were spectators like us, just strolling around without a buggy, observing the landscape. The few that had buggies were just pushing around empty buggies.
The first thing we noticed as we entered the store, was the "customer satisfaction" declaration posted on the wall. They don't have a customer satisfaction policy!!! Their return policy is limited to return of unopened merchandise in new condition.
Target's policy is about the same as The Source, who demands that any item returned must be in new and re-saleable condition. You have to go through this kind of crap before you fully understand the implications of this kind of customer policy; i.e. my son bought a new DVD player at The Source. Got it home, plugged it in . . . and zilch! Totally dead!! So he immediately took the dead DVD player back to the source for a replacement or refund. He was denied either! No replacement! No refund! on the basis that since it was obviously dead, it failed to qualify for refund or replacement, since it was not in "new and re-saleable condition!!" The Source sent it out for a six-week repair!!
Target's customer service policy reads very much like the Source.
Anyway, I checked familiar prices. The cost of routine vitamins and supplements pretty much ran about 150%!! of what the same products would cost at WalMart or Superstore. That seemed to be the common pricing pattern (just like Zellers) we observed as we strolled through the store; until we got to the clothing section. Not only was the clothing running about 200% of WalMart, but my wife who is more of an expert than I am, couldn't believe the obviously LOW quality of their clothing offerings!!
And I came up with the very same observation as you: Just wait till the newness wears off and Target won't be any better than what Zellers. My comment to my wife as we left the first-day crowded store: Give it a month, and you'll be able to shoot a canon from one end of the store to the other without hitting anyone!! . . . Just like Zellers!!
7:40 am
February 22, 2013

Stan said
Just like Zellers!!
Our local Target opened this past week as well. I've shopped in Target in the US and have almost always found some technology related item that is NEW (to me) and on sale, so I was looking forward to Target's opening here.
My wife and I visited the new store Tuesday during a regular run down the highway for other stores. I got a cart, but couldn't find anything to put in it. All the groceries are at or above the other local stores. My wife loved all the bright coloured clothes but found nothing she needed to buy. I do have a shiny new RBC Target card that gets one a 5% discount and I found myself discounting all the prices to see if there was anything I could buy.
Unlike Zellers there were lots of clerks/sales associates/whatever they call them on the floor - but I didn't need help with anything.
I am back down the highway this Tuesday again and will likely stop in to see what, if anything, is on sale.
4:35 pm
December 23, 2011

Like I said.
Just wait till the newness wears off and Target won't be any better than what Zellers was.
So Stan and GSmall99 we must be from the same era.
I can see that it does not appear to be a wait like I predicted!!! You can see no deals and prices no better that other retailers in your area.
The extra staff on duty will dwindle ... just wait. They hire an army and keep the good ones and let the rest go. That is the normal routine for any one setting up a new shop.
Zellers here Maple Ridge BC was a place I would not shop at....the people working there were far tooooo lethargic!!!
If you look back many years ago when there was a thing called service...you would go into a store or lumber yard and you would be asked if you need some help (and advice too!) and they would get the item for you, ring it up and off you go.
Today you go into a super store with merchandise strategically placed for impulse buying, you hunt for what you are looking for with no help round, you find the item, and then you wait in a line to buy it.
So here is what pisses me off.
You find the item, no price, no bin ticket, no one to help. Off I go to the next store.
You find the item, you go to buy it and there is a huge line to finalize the purchase. Off I go to the next store.
You find the item, you go to buy it and there is a huge line to finalize the purchase. There are 10 cash registers and only 1 or 2 of them are manned. Off I go to the next store.
You find the item, you go to buy it and there is a huge line to finalize the purchase. There are 10 cash registers and none are manned .... just self checkout or the dual purpose returns/check out area. Off I go to the next store.
Do I really go off to the next store....sometimes not.....I ask myself if I really need the item and half the time I do not ..... so no purchase.
9:37 pm
February 22, 2013

kanaka said
So Stan and GSmall99 we must be from the same era.
When I was growing up in Montreal in the 1960's my parents' were friends with a couple - the husband was a VP at Zellers. His wife used to go into the stores and in a loud voice ask, "is this store going out of business? Why is there no one who seems to know where things are?", etc. My mother was aghast when she heard this. But, it seems to prove the problem isn't a new one. It just has gotten worse as time passes.
I was in our local Home Depot last week and noted a VERY different attitude amongst the staff. First, they now appear to have a "greeter" who is really interested in helping you find what you are there to look for. Second, any time I asked someone where something was, I was taken there, as opposed to sent there. I had heard Home Depot (1) was in trouble and (2) had made some changes. The changes have been positive in my mind.
One problem we also have had here was the damn "bag law". Our local Wal-Mart had put in about 8 self serve cashes and that really sped things up for me. Once the "bag law" came into force they had to remove the self-serve cashes as people weren't paying for the damn bags and the store ran the risk of being fined. They did put in a bank of 6 cash stations at the end of one lineup, but seldom have that staffed with more than two cashiers. The "bag law" was rescinded after a year but I've seen no sign of the self-serve cashes returning.
10:09 am
December 23, 2011

The BAG thing is on and off throughout BC. One retailer starts and it drops.
Rona charges but it goes to charity
Super Store charges and it goes to their profit
Staples charges and it goes to charity....not sure if they have dropped the charge or not
To this time I dont think there is a city that has put a plastic bag ban it yet.
How silly is it to shop for groceries and hardware and not get a bag to take it away .... part of the service .. and to charge for a bag .... no no not for me. I avoid shopping where they charge for bags.
If I wanted to give to a charity, I would ..... but the province does that for me.
But when the province or a city puts in a plastic bag ban along with a 5 cent mandatory charge like some cities in Washington State it just becomes another form of TAXATION!!!
We do recycle and some cities fine you if you don't.
Give me a free bag .... be it plastic or paper .... I WILL recycle it.
Why do pop/beer cans/bottle in BC have a deposit fee and an eco fee? Drop the fees as I WILL recycle them!!!
12:44 pm
February 22, 2013

The town of Orillia, Ontario passed a by-law outlawing the "free bag" and forced retailers to charge something (5 cents) for bags. Three years later they reversed themselves as described here.
Toronto passed a similar by-law and when they were debating changes to it ended up banning bags entirely as described here. I am not sure what the current status is.
My wife has purchased clothing from The Bay, refused to pay the 5 cents, and wandered through the store with purchases in hand. The sales folks are VERY unhappy as they cannot tell her from the shoplifters, although she is walking calmly through the store with the items of clothing in her hand with the price tags waving merrily in the breeze.
2:48 pm
December 23, 2011

GS said
The town of Orillia, Ontario passed a by-law outlawing the "free bag" and forced retailers to charge something (5 cents) for bags. Three years later they reversed themselves as described here.
Toronto passed a similar by-law and when they were debating changes to it ended up banning bags entirely as described here. I am not sure what the current status is.
My wife has purchased clothing from The Bay, refused to pay the 5 cents, and wandered through the store with purchases in hand. The sales folks are VERY unhappy as they cannot tell her from the shoplifters, although she is walking calmly through the store with the items of clothing in her hand with the price tags waving merrily in the breeze.
Sears started it a few years back and it dwindled away. I worked in retail and I can reassure you that it would not be the clerks with the problem. It would be the security folks wondering who is the bad guy vs the good guy not to mention the management at the store. A few incorrect arrests and worn out security officers watching the good guy while the bad guy gets away with the goods.....probably more stolen than what the revenue would have been from the sale of the bags. 5 cents a bag is a rip off too....do you know a bag is only worth a fraction of a cent??
Please write your comments in the forum.