10:26 am
December 23, 2011

See here
Will be interesting to see if JPMorgan will offer Sears MasterCard holders an Amazon card or wondering if JPMorgan is leaving Canada?
I would like to keep my "no foreign exchange fee" card.
12:53 pm
October 21, 2013

I would read it that Chase has sold their credit card division. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to only sell one card anyway. Having only 2 cards (I think?) has to be a relatively small market, and there would be efficiencies for BMO to take it over when you consider the infrastructure. Perhaps BMO can improve on their billing procedures, as I hear their bills often arrive late by post.
I would think too that this will lead to a re-evaluation of these cards and their terms, both Sears and Amazon. New T&C will undoubtedly be forthcoming in the next few months. Read them carefully! There could be changes in the no-foreign-exchange-transaction-fee provision.
Tangerine card is looking better all the time!
4:47 pm
December 23, 2011

Yes it looks like they are leaving Canada but no mention about the Amazon card. It says BNS is taking over their call Center of experienced folks in customer service and security. I can tell you their folks in security have as much customer service a button hole. Any Sears employee that wants to buy with their discount has to use an approved card...likely the new BNS card but time will tell.
And yes BMO statements that are posted, suck for a decent time to make your payment.....if you are on a vacation you will be a late payer. I guess it is part of their strategy to take your statement email. BMO is one of those that like to charge $2 for a posted statement. I have a grandfathered no charge account and have selected to mail my bank statements.....just because. Lol.
9:54 am
December 23, 2011

11:48 am
October 27, 2013

kanaka said
And yes BMO statements that are posted, suck for a decent time to make your payment.....if you are on a vacation you will be a late payer. I guess it is part of their strategy to take your statement email. BMO is one of those that like to charge $2 for a posted statement. I have a grandfathered no charge account and have selected to mail my bank statements.....just because. Lol.
You don't automatically get your statements posted electronically on their online banking site and you don't have a pre-authorized payment program in place? I cannot remember the year I last got a paper statement in the mail or did a manual online Bill Pay. Has to be circa 10 yrs or so.
2:03 pm
December 23, 2011

You don't automatically get your statements posted electronically on their online banking site
and you don't have a pre-authorized payment program in place
I cannot remember the year I last got a paper statement in the mail
or did a manual online Bill Pay. Has to be circa 10 yrs or so.
I STILL HAVE A ROTARY PHONE TOO (just kidding on that one)
While emailed statements are convenient, they have been a huge success to the bottom line for some companies that bullied us into taking them that way. Were the savings ever passed back to the consumer?
Some companies don't offer online or emailed statements and are charging up to $5 as a statment fee. That is just gouging.
What companies have an alternative no fee by mail statment for seniors?
So as you age you put things in place. A will and possibly a power of attorney. Then you might have to confirm what financial institutions you might have a difficult time with using the power of attorney and should have a backup plan, in the event of.
In most families either the husband or wife is the main player for handling the finances. And what if the main player dies or has a condition that affects comprehension, memory, speech, mobility or ability to use a computer? What a mess if the main player does not have everything documented...I do.....but lots don't. Will we always want or afford the Internet or be able to use the Internet as we age....hope so.....but no guarantees.....so what is your cost free back up plan???
2:58 pm
October 21, 2013

Hey, I LIKE my rotary phone! It has that nice peaceful purr as the wheel spins back into place after each number. And it will only talk to one person at a time. If that person won't answer, it sighs and hangs up. It resolutely refuses to ask me to press a slew of buttons for an hour in order to get nowhere. lol
Of course, I have to admit that it's not nearly as much fun as an old-fashioned 2-longs-and-1-short "party line", which provided HOURS of free entertainment and important local news bulletins through "listening in" - and at no extra cost!
2:59 pm
October 27, 2013

Funny! Like your humourous response.
Kanaka, I do download and keep all PDF statements on the PC and in the cloud. I don't need anything kept in paper... not even my tax returns and CRA correspondence, all of which is now in PDF form. Just too easy today and it eliminates file cabinets worth of paper.
3:04 pm
December 23, 2011

3:06 pm
October 21, 2013

3:43 pm
December 23, 2011

4:45 pm
December 23, 2011

AltaRed said
Funny! Like your humourous response.
Kanaka, I do download and keep all PDF statements on the PC and in the cloud. I don't need anything kept in paper... not even my tax returns and CRA correspondence, all of which is now in PDF form. Just too easy today and it eliminates file cabinets worth of paper.
Yes, I too like the pdf format for bills. I always add to the file name ie Amex 1234 (last 4 digits), Aug 31 (statement date), Due Sep 15 2015, - Paid Sep 7 2015. The file is in a specific folder on my PC and once paid is copied to a thumb drive and a portable hard drive both under lock and key. I keep CRA in a 10 year rotation in paper, just in case of an audit...I had letter from them a couple of years ago because I had over $5000 medical...mainly dental...that was a crown year. I was able to submit by pdf files, that I had to make, and they were satisfied. Still match receipts to statements and hold for 6 months...but before I shred I keep any receipt that may be of value for return or warranty. Still match to my bank statements too and file. Still balance all my accounts monthly and have a transaction ledger for every account. All banking errors found are solely owned by me so the need to do is still there....you have to sort them out and fix. So still need the file cabinet.
Please write your comments in the forum.