5:13 pm
January 3, 2013

Just got this card, honestly, it is the best cashback card in Canada. Their $125 fee card is truly the best cashback card in Canada.
Neo World Elite Mastercard
5% Grocery
4% Recurring
3% Gas
1% Everything else
5% additional average cashback at our 10,000+ partners
$80,000 personal, $150,000 household income required, 700+
Annual Fee: $125
This card is better than every other cashback card in Canada. It is better than BMO CashBack World Elite Mastercard, Scotia Momentum Visa Infinite, TD Cashback Visa Infinite.
The Neo World Mastercard gives 2% on grocery, recurring, and gas so can be comparable to Tangerine card. It is also a free card.
I never ever paid for a Cashback card because never found any card that can justify the fees over combined free cards such as Tangerine World MC or CanadianTire WE MC, or Rogers WE MC.
But this card, considering our average expenses ($900/mth grocery for family of 4, $1200 gas, and ~ $1000 recurring fees). The $125 fee will be covered and I can get more $.
Also, I prefer this over Canadian Tire one cause I am stuck with CT $ which I don't use often.
The card has a spending cap monthly. $1000 grocery, $1000 gas, $500 recurring, $2500 everything else.
Link for the card: https://www.neofinancial.com/credit
Thank you.
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