9:13 am
October 21, 2018

Just checked my CTC Mastercard account today and I see that > $600 of my ECTM disappeared sometime between Sept 27 and Oct 01. All transactions in that date range are legit. Neither card has been out of our possession. I'll be calling them tomorrow.
If anyone has a CTC Mastercard, I suggest you take a look at your ECTM balance.
10:02 am
January 12, 2019

11:01 am
February 27, 2018

Pwm. I'm curious to hear the result.
Is it possible there's a rollover date on your Canadian tire money? TD had a VISA rewards program, you could collect your rewards and maintain them for a length of time. i think it was 5 years (60 months). If not used... then this month's rewards (month 61) would replace the rewards you gained 5 years ago, in month 1.
You could only have 60 months of rewards banked at any time. I believe some travel reward programs worked the same way, use them or lose them.
ADDED EDIT. I remember, if you cancelled your TD VISA card before using all of your rewards, you forfeited what you had banked.
2:48 pm
November 6, 2018

Not sure if this applies to your situation but this is from the Terms & Conditions for the Triangle Rewards Program.
"Expiration of Electronic Canadian Tire Money
We may expire the eCTM in your Triangle Rewards Account in the event that there has been a period of inactivity of 18 months or more. For the purposes of this section, “inactivity” means that there has been neither a transaction in which you have collected eCTM, nor a transaction in which you have redeemed eCTM during the period in question."
5:56 pm
March 15, 2019

"Expiration of Electronic Canadian Tire Money
We may expire the eCTM in your Triangle Rewards Account in the event that there has been a period of inactivity of 18 months or more. For the purposes of this section, “inactivity” means that there has been neither a transaction in which you have collected eCTM, nor a transaction in which you have redeemed eCTM during the period in question."
This is good to know as I just applied for a CT Triangle CC.
CT should at least give you some advance warning about a pending expiration.
AeroPlan gives or use to at least give you a heads up that the miles would expire unless you did some activity.
6:54 pm
October 21, 2013

9:57 pm
December 4, 2016

Might be that you were targeted by thieves. Often thieves target those with high balances of rewards. I try to keep my rewards balance down to help avoid any issues involving high reward balances.
I keep my balance down by buying household consumables like toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Canadian Tire has these types of items. You can also redeem on other items at Canadian Tire or at some affiliated stores.
Likely you can phone Canadian Tire and they should investigate and return the rewards I would think.
10:15 pm
October 21, 2013

6:22 am
February 1, 2016

About this time 2 years ago my CTC emoney account was compromised. I caught it fairly quickly when I received a promotional email from CTC indicating my emoney balance was much lower than it should have been.
I contacted CTC. The CSR could see that there was an unusual transaction from Salmon Arm, BC (I live in Ontario) and concluded that it was fraud. The emoney was restored to my account and the CSR volunteered a substantial amount of bonus emoney to compensate for the disturbance. Hats off to Triangle for correcting this problem in a quick and judicious way.
It is good advice to keep the emoney balance low. I do my best but it seems to grow quickly what with grocery and utility payments contributing to the balance.
7:02 am
October 21, 2018

I called this morning and the CSR said it happens often. She could even identify the transaction that took place in White Rock BC on Sept 30 for $618.55. I live in Manitoba. The ECTM points will be replaced and the credit card was not compromised. I plan to use that money more often and not let it build up in the future.
Kudos to CTC for the good service in fixing the problem.
7:22 am
August 10, 2018

7:56 am
August 3, 2021

While I personally have a policy to not use an In House credit card or to collect gratuities on any bonus programs. I just have to ask.
How do use your accumulated funds? By the credit card number or?
By any chance can you turn on email or texting of each purchase through the credit card or using the CTC money?
And how is it that the victim is so far away from the crime? How is your information leaked?
Knowing the above would help put things in place to protect your bonus money.
8:20 am
October 21, 2013

It's great that CT responded well, but, on the other hand, if this happens "all the time", why haven't they fixed it by now?
It seems that it happens a lot because it can.
I don't have a CT card, but I can say that I've never had this problem with Aeroplan, AirMiles or the cards I have from major banks, all of which, at various times, have large points balances.
8:23 am
November 8, 2018

I use Air Miles to collect rewards. Miles can be redeemed for cash and used to pay for purchase in places signed for the program, such as grocery store I frequent. The card itself is a string of numbers, magnetic tape and does not ask for PIN or password to redeem cash balance. It must be presented at the counter to cash rewards.
It has two security features Canadian Tire must be lacking: for every transaction redeeming miles it sends email to account holder. I can also lock my cash balance in an app, and until it is unlocked the card can't be used to redeem that balance, still can be used to collect miles.
Email keeps owner up to date with transactions, and account lock reduces window of opportunity for a person with fake card from few months I use to collect rewards to few minutes when I unlock my account and redeem them.
Someone should tell CT to take note what other rewards cards are doing to secure user balance.
For anyone who has Air Miles card with substantial balance that can be used to redeem for cash, I strongly recommend enabling Air Miles account lock in AirMiles app.
For reward cards, I suspect someone generates string of numbers that are valid card numbers, and runs balance check for these card numbers through employee at some store or even by accessing rewards program database. The card with substantial balance gets cloned and presented during the purchase.
For example, at my grocery store I can ask cashier to check balance on my Air Miles card, and if their card reader fails they just punch card numbers on keyboard- and read me my balance from the screen. With me it is legit transaction, but you get an idea how that can be used and abused.
10:07 am
October 21, 2018

12:47 pm
March 30, 2017

4:32 am
October 21, 2018

Just an FYI.
My CTC money was restored yesterday. That's one week after reporting the issue. She said it would take a week as they had to do an investigation, so pretty good response from CTC. I'm going to start spending that money now because I think the miscreants who perpetrate this fraud target the large balance accounts.
Please write your comments in the forum.