1:29 pm
December 12, 2008

MBNA has introduced a new mastercard -- The Smart Cash Card (en francais -- L'Argent Content)
Smart Cash Card Features
- 2% Cashback on the first $400 of Gas and Groceries transactions within each calendar month (Promo -- 5% for the first 6 months).
- 1% Cashback on all other purchase transactions as well as Gas/Grocery purchases that have accumulated past the $400 within the calendar month.
- No Annual Fee.
- Automatically receive $50 Cashback Cheque when you have accumulated 5000 in MBNA points.
- Smart Cash is a platinum plus card which comes with all the platinum benefits located here
- This card also includes PAYPASS.
This card is available to all Canadians and you can apply online (use promo code "CHSS") or by telephone 1-877-428-6060 . (CHSS Might be expired, Use CHSF or CJD4 instead)
Detailed cashback transaction information available when you sign in.
Cheques are received 3-6 weeks after statement is printed
Sample cash back transaction
Tran Date | Type | Transaction | Description | Amount | Points |
xx/xx/xxxx | Earned | LOBLAWS | #8371 QLC -- GATINEAU, QC | $9.44 | 47.20 |
BONUS: Smart Cash 5% Gas & Groceries for 6mths 18.88
BONUS: Smart Cash 3% cash back on gas & groceries 18.88
It may "seem" as though MBNA no longer offers the Smart Cash Card. This is not the case, its more that they are offering it as a retention offer (if you are calling to cancel). Follow the instructions below to get your card.
For New MBNA Client: If you apply online and they happen to NOT send you the smart cash card, Call MBNA. They may say that this card is no longer offered. Tell them you wish to cancel the card. They will send you to a retentions rep. Tell this rep why you are canceling, and they will convert it to Smart Cash.
For Existing MBNA Client: If the rep says this card is no longer offered. Tell them you wish to cancel (follow the same process as written above).
Ignore the above note for now, it seems the Smart Cash Card is available online again. No need to threaten to cancel like before
EDIT: Last Updated October 23rd, 2012
1:30 pm
December 12, 2008

Merchant code 5411; Grocery Stores (Not a Complete list)
A & P
Asian Food Center
Askew's Foods
Atlantic Wholesalers
Brunos Fine FoodsBuy
Low Foods
Canada Safeway
Choices Market
Colemans Food Centre
CO-OPCooper's Foods
Country Grocer
Extra Foods
Fairway Market
Farm Boy
Food Basics
Grocery Gateway
Hannam Supermarket
Highland Farms
Kin's Farm Market
Les Aliments M&M
M & M Meat Shops
Michael -- Angelo's
Moncion Grocers
NeedsNester's Market
Overwaitea Food
Pete's Frootique
Planet Organic
Powell's Supermarket
Presidents Choice
Price Chopper
Price Smart
Produce Depot
Quality Foods
Quality Market
Real Canadian Super Stores
Save EasySave On Foods
Shop Easy Foods
Shop 'N Save
Starsky Foods
Stongs Markets
Super CSuper Value
Supermarche -- Metro
T & T Supermarket
Thrifty Foods
Urban Fare
Valu Mart
Village Food Markets
Weston Produce
Your Independent Grocers
1:30 pm
December 12, 2008

Merchant Code 5541/5542; Gas stations
7 - Eleven
Canadian Tire Gas Bars
CO-OP Gas Bars
Couche Tard
Drummond's Gas
Fas Gas
Flying J
Fortino's Gas Bars
Gale S Gas Bar
Gas Bar
Irving Oil
Loblaw Gas Bars
Mac's Gas Bar
Mr. Gas
N. Atlantic Pet.
No Frills Gas Bar
Save On Foods Gas Bars
Short Stop Gas Bars
Sobey's Fast Fuel
Super Save Gas
Superstore Gas Bar
Western Petroleum
Wilson Gas Stop
Yig Gas Bar
Zehrs Gas Bars
8:29 pm
December 12, 2009

Indeed, especially since there are apparently no tiers to their rewards program and no annual fee and the rewards are higher than even the Scotia Momentum Visa.
Couple things that concern me with MBNA, though:
1. On some of their applications (i.e., the Shoppers Optimum MBNA MasterCard for one), they state you must have a minimum gross annual income of $35,000.00. That's a pretty high threshold and I'm wondering if that's more of what they'd ideally like because certainly with every other credit card issuer, you can get a credit card as long as you make at least $16,000, have a decent (good to excellent) credit score and no serious negative comments on your credit bureau. Does anyone know if this is in fact the case with this one?
2. Even though they set a high income threshold, apparently, it seems incongruent to MBNA's past and seemingly current practices of predatory lending, preying on lower income people. As well, I would read the fine print as they and Capital One are notorious for hidden fees (do they charge a fee for writing a convenience cheque on your MasterCard account? do they bump up your interest rate to 30% or more if you are late on even one payment?)
3. Why don't they advertise this on their website? Seems like not a good marketing job on MBNA's part.
6:58 pm
December 12, 2008

11:20 am
December 12, 2008

If you are an existing client with MBNA.. you can transfer your account (or split the available credit on your existing account) to the Smart Cash Card.
If you really want the Smart Cash Card (and not an existing MBNA client with low annual income), I might suggest applying for anyone of their Student MC Accounts. Once you activate, ask that they transfer this to the Smart Cash Card.
"That should work for you"
11:25 am
December 12, 2008

djino said:
If you are an existing client with MBNA.. you can transfer your account (or split the available credit on your existing account) to the Smart Cash Card.
If you really want the Smart Cash Card (and not an existing MBNA client with low annual income), I might suggest applying for anyone of their Student MC Accounts. Once you activated. Ask that they transfer this to the Smart Cash Card.
"That should work for you"
I've been using the Scotia Bank Studen Visa L'EARN card which give 1% cash back on every purchase after the first 1000$ spent. They give 0.25% on the first 500$, 0.5% on the next 1000$ and 1$ thereafter. Since I'm spending $12,000 a year, exactly what I'm earning at work, the first $1000 penality wasn't a big factor.
But if I get a MBNA MC and I do not get any cash back on that, I will still use my Visa, will they change my student card to the 3% cashback card even if I do not use it for a while and show I'm a good payer?
The day you become free is the day you work for fun.
7:33 pm
December 12, 2008

4:49 pm
December 12, 2008

Received my card on Monday.
It was a VERY LONG process to get the card. I applied on Monday April 6th and I had to call a few times a week to keep the ball rolling as it took 2 days shy of a month for the card to finally arrive.
You really need to babysit the process. After my inital call April 6th, they said it take 7-10 Business Days. My Advice is to call at least once a week (if not more) to check the status.
Well I'm glad its here. I've read all of the Terms/Aggreement and everything is as good:
3% on Gas/Groceries (5% for the 1st 6 Months) up to a maximum of $600/month then 1% on purchases over $600 until next billing cycle.
1% on everything non Gas/Groceries.
13.99 AIR (1.99% on Balance Transfers for 10 months).
Cheques are mailed out in $50 blocks. Meaning, if statement shows:
Cashback less than $50 = No Cash Back Cheque, balance moves forward
Cashback greater than or equal to $50 = $50 Cashback Cheque, any balance left, moves forward.
Cashback greater than or equal to $100 = $100 Cashback Cheque, any balance left, moves forward.
"MBNA Smart Cash Card = Primary Card"
Man-E 204 said:
Just called today to transfer my existing account to the Smart Cash Card. No problems at all. They said they would make the card on Sunday and send it out on Monday May 25, 2009. I was then told it would be 7 to 10 business days.
I also just transferred an existing account to the Smart Cash Card and had a similar good experience.
2:10 pm
I called MBNA today and was transferred to a representative, with an indian accent, who does not even know what i am talking about. He told me to call a number but that number is for existing customers only. The second time I called, the gentleman told me that the Smart Cash Card is only offered to existing MBNA customer. That is the reason why it is not advertized in their website and the department that handles the new account is not familiar with it since it is not intended for non MBNA customers. My option, according to him, is to open another mastercard and request to change it to Smart Cash Card after around 4 months, assuming that the Smart Cash card is still offered.
7:22 pm
December 12, 2008

Please write your comments in the forum.