10:55 am
April 13, 2014

Hello Everyone,
I will be applying for the Capital One Aspire Cash World MasterCard very soon. What would you advise in terms of applying procedure ? Should it be done on the phone or online ? Can it be applied for at a bank ? What about providing a social insurance number , yay or nay ? Any tips or tricks ?
12:10 pm
October 27, 2013

I would simply go to the Capital One site http://www.capitalone.ca/credi.....s/rewards/ and look for the one you want. I do NOT see the specific card GS and I have in their current suite of offerings. I believe you can fill the application form out online, but will likely need to send in a paper copy with a signature to get it going.
I do not remember if a SIN is asked for, but they need it, or something similar, to run a credit history on you. That should be of no concern.
12:59 pm
October 21, 2013

It's not unusual for banks to withdraw certain accounts, including credit cards, from their list, but they will allow those who already have them to keep them so that they don't lose their business. This may be the case here, as I too don't see it listed. (Remember a while ago when most, if not all, banks, stopped allowing seniors to sign up for no-fee bank accounts? But they allowed those of us who already had them to keep them.)
I suggest that if you have an excellent credit rating and a good income, that you try negotiating for at least the first year's fee to be waived or sufficient bonus points to equal the charge as a sign-up deal. You may have to go up the ladder a bit to get a positive answer. There is always a way, somehow, to negotiate. Recently there was a travelrewards supplement in the Toronto Star newspaper in which someone reported that he negotiates annually with his credit card issuers and has about a 50% success rate in having the fees waived. I'm sure he's a good customer, and that that helps.
I don't think there is any bricks-and-mortar bank where you could go to get this card.
They may be entitled to ask for your SIN in order to check your credit rating. It would probably be worthwhile to provide, for that purpose.
5:47 pm
May 9, 2013

Go online to their site and look for their application form.
Fill in the blanks.
Wait for approval/decline letter.
That's it.
The only problem you have is that they discontinued the Cap1 Aspire World MC last year. You can get the Platinum, but they removed the extra 0.25% so now it's only 1%. Forgot if it has an annual fee.
8:43 pm
February 22, 2013

I looked and don't see the card being available at this time. See this article for more info.
One additional item to note: When I first was applying for this card I did so over the phone and when asked if I had $60k personal or $100k family income, answered "no, but I have lots of assets and being retired, am keeping income purposely low". The agent quickly told me I was ineligible.
I stewed for a few days and then reapplied online. When I got to the $60k/$100k question, I simply answered "YES" and sailed through the rest.
The card arrives at the post office and one has to present photo ID to get it. This is Capital One's way of insuring they meet all the regulations.
Please write your comments in the forum.