3:47 pm
February 17, 2013
Locked out of the old website, new one is mandatory now. Logged in to it today and was not thrilled. Half the page is their "Money Manager", which wants you to enter all your banking information from all your other FI's so you can keep track of your budgets. Maybe being paranoid, but what happens when they get hacked? Go change all your log-ins and passwords from every bank and credit card you deal with? Not crazy about keeping all my FI information eggs in their basket. Still no ability to transfer funds out except to other CC clients. Their plan to go national seems to defy some basic logic for being an online bank.
Resized / cropped it to fit on the page
4:13 pm
April 26, 2019
LOL Rick. You never have been a fan of CC, have you?
BMO tried the same thing to enter all your banking....NO WAY.... A convenience for you? Or more information for them? There is just some stuff you never share!!!!
I dropped CC years ago and every time I walk by the branch in Pitt Meadows I say to my wife.....sure glad we don't bank there any more....and she approvingly agrees.
I found them to be extremely annoying to deal with...I am glad I don't have anxiety ....something is wrong there at CC.
6:52 pm
October 21, 2013
I seem to recall running into this concept at anther FI not too long ago. Maybe it's a new trend. Ghastly idea.
However, I doubt there is any legal obligation to be honest or accurate. It's not like you're applying for credit
You could be a multimillionaire at one FI and poverty-stricken at another, and see what kind of offers you get!
Then you could take the best of both worlds , at your convenience.
6:57 am
December 12, 2009
@Rick, so happy to hear you're not pleased with Coast Capital's new online banking interface. I don't like two things, namely:
(1) forced two-factor authentication, including by cumbersome e-mail if you don't use a mobile phone; and,
(2) that "activity history" seems too social media-ish to me. I don't like it.
More problematic for me, though, of late, is their overly cluttered public website. It seems like their Marketing team has changed up a bit (for the worse!) and they've now hackneyed a bunch of banners and promotions onto the homepage. Not impressed!
As for the Money Manager, I opted out of it (you can do this, by phoning the Contact Centre). So when I login, I get a big banner that says, "Your Take Charge Money Manager is currently disabled." The issue I have with that, though, is when I asked them about sharing users' information (who are automatically opted in!) with a U.S.-based personal finance tool company, they're effectively implicitly stating that use of third-party PFM tools like Mint is thus sanctioned, to which they would not commit. When I queried them on how illogical it was for them to say they can "trust" one company (a lesser-known one, at that!) over a more well-known company using the same encryption level and protocols, I did not get a response.
10:40 am
April 26, 2019
It seems like their Marketing team has changed up a bit (for the worse!) and they've now hackneyed a bunch of banners and promotions onto the homepage. Not impressed!
Changed up.....you hit the nail on the head! Don’t be fooled by their cute ads! Some of them have a subliminal direction, like the one with all the dinging. Listen to the last thing said and how the dinging subliminally makes you imagine more and more benefit for you, of what was last said.
Some what deceptive to dishonest along with very very poor service at the branch level....leaves me as disgruntled ex customer.
Please write your comments in the forum.