4:50 am
September 18, 2018

Previous offer was 2.50% total
CIBC bonus of 2.30% with the E-Advantage Savings account is still active this morning July 14, 2020.
So you will be getting .10% plus bonus of 2.30% for a total of 2.40%
2:35 pm
May 28, 2013

3:16 pm
September 18, 2018

Good rate and safe from a big Bank.
A comment on this site said that the offer was getting cut out on July 7,20. that was wrong.
Also CIBC has targeted offers sometimes also after.
Tangerine and HSBC bank or giving 2.25%. HSBC is a large safe bank also.Call Centre told me that they are the 7th largest bank in the world.
After this runs out Tangerine or Simplli will have a offer.
4:24 am
September 18, 2018

Agree with you.
The banks have to charge fees to pay for all their fixed costs. Everyone tries to avoid paying them as much as possible.
The little places do not have the deposit base.Therefore have little to no fees.
To pay $5.00 a few times is okay with the higher interest rate you are receiving. Otherwise if do not pay it do not open up the account.
2:07 pm
September 18, 2018

That is your choice. I would not go near EQ. Had account closed it years ago. Sooner deal with a Big BANK. I do not pay the fee because have a chequing account with CIBC.
Obviously you are not making a large deposit. If you were the $5.00 fee or bank draft fee of 9.50 at some places would not matter.Over 5 months you would be way ahead.
I have the top chequing accounts so do not pay for credit cards,bank drafts ,cheques or safety deposit box.
When I get a offer from Simplli or Tangerine of course go their.I'm getting 2.25% with Tangerine also currently.
Bank of Nova Scotia has a good offer also tell end of August.They will charge you a bank draft fee or transaction fee also when taking out your money unless you have a top chequing account.Their rate is 2.15%.
I have some accounts with the smaller places I found out about of this site , that I'am closing the end of the month.Had real high rates .But their sites are slow .Sure they gave me free interact ,but it took over 30 minutes to receive it.
Get what you pay for.
11:28 am
October 17, 2018

This offer seems to have been removed. Interesting web page though as they have a picture of what appears to be a homeless family sitting in front of a puddle eating sandwiches. Probably due to the $5/ transaction fees.
6:24 pm
October 17, 2018

Good said
Would not be surprised to see the 2.40% rate go down to 2.35%.Another place I have lowered their high interest Account from 1.80% to 1.75% as of today.Good offer from CIBC
Can you post a link to the offer ? In my previous post I provide the link that shows the rate at 0.10% with the homeless family and it's still a good link. I don't see the bonus interest offer.
12:29 am
May 24, 2016

Scroll down and you’ll see it on the left.
2:07 pm
May 28, 2013

I'm finally getting this account set up, as my new debit card arrived by mail today thus allowing me to finally register and find out what my new account number is, etc.
I have been told by an agent on the phone that ANY withdrawal I make from this account will cost $5! And Interac withdrawals are limited to $3,000 per day? And they also cost $5? If this is true, then this is not a very attractive account (it isn't anyway, once the bonus interest expires). Hopefully I can just push/pull funds by EFT from an external account. Has anyone does this yet?
2:42 pm
October 21, 2013

There were basically the same issues with the recent RBC offer at 2.25%. I think you will likely get dinged $5 for an EFT.
I think these kinds of accounts are only good to park significant amount for a few months.
Your note above says you ooe=oened the account on July 14. I imagine the clock started ticking on your 120 days at that point, not when you got the debit card.
I am thinking of using this offer because I have a no-fee CIBC chequing account (free to seniors, but that may have been discontinued for new customers) and I believe you can link the two of them for free, so I can siphon out money through the chequing account where EFTs are free.
3:20 pm
November 6, 2018

rhvic said
I have been told by an agent on the phone that ANY withdrawal I make from this account will cost $5! And Interac withdrawals are limited to $3,000 per day? And they also cost $5? If this is true, then this is not a very attractive account (it isn't anyway, once the bonus interest expires). Hopefully I can just push/pull funds by EFT from an external account. Has anyone does this yet?
Yes, it is true you will be charged $5. My everyday banking is done at CIBC. A couple of years ago, I made the mistake of pulling funds twice in one month from my e-savings account via Hubert and was charged $5 each time before I realized it. To avoid fees, you have to transfer funds to your chequing account, either online or at an ATM, before pulling. Lesson learned.
4:02 pm
May 28, 2013

Loonie said
Your note above says you opened the account on July 14. I imagine the clock started ticking on your 120 days at that point, not when you got the debit card.
I am thinking of using this offer because I have a no-fee CIBC chequing account (free to seniors, but that may have been discontinued for new customers) and I believe you can link the two of them for free, so I can siphon out money through the chequing account where EFTs are free.
Yes Loonie, the 120 days started the day I opened the account, but of course I had no way to deposit anything to the new account for the first 10 days or more. They tell me the rate is good till November 13.
Another thing I find odd is that they have no easy way of linking to Simplii accounts, even though CIBC owns that FI as well.
4:12 pm
October 17, 2018

JenE said
Oscar:Scroll down and you’ll see it on the left.
Thanks Jen but that's the same link I posted , interest rate = 0.10% , no bonus rate here. That's why I think it's over .
6:44 pm
May 24, 2016

Oscar, Click on the link I gave you, then scroll down to the second big, white box on the left and you’ll see:
“Bonus rate
You could earn a bonus rate when you open your first CIBC eAdvantage® Savings Account. Apply in 5 minutes!
† Limits apply.
Learn more“
If that doesn’t work for you, you can go into a branch and open the account and get the bonus rate. Good luck!
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