6:57 pm
September 29, 2020

I have a HISA with Canadian Tire Financial Services. I'd like to link it to my Wealthsimple account. Wealthsimple needs either a void cheque or a bank statement. I don't have any cheques. For the bank statement, Wealthsimple says it must be a "PDF with institution logo & name (Screenshots can’t be accepted)."
I'm logged into my CTFS account. I don't see where I can find my estatement. When I search for "statement" in the upper-right search box, the closest relevant result is about paper statements, but I don't want to wait (or pay $5) for a paper statement.
Where can I go to get my statement in PDF form?
7:27 pm
February 27, 2018

You can enroll for e-statements
3:52 am
December 12, 2009

Kidd said
https://www.ctfs.com/content/ctfs/en/cards/my_statement.htmlYou can enroll for e-statements
I'm not familiar with Canadian Tire Bank, so both HISAs/GICs and credit cards may offer e-Statement enrollment, but I just noticed you linked to the latter's website. Does it say on the former's website, myctfs.com?
10:31 am
May 27, 2016

piggybank said
I have a HISA with Canadian Tire Financial Services. I'd like to link it to my Wealthsimple account. Wealthsimple needs either a void cheque or a bank statement. I don't have any cheques. For the bank statement, Wealthsimple says it must be a "PDF with institution logo & name (Screenshots can’t be accepted)."I'm logged into my CTFS account. I don't see where I can find my estatement. When I search for "statement" in the upper-right search box, the closest relevant result is about paper statements, but I don't want to wait (or pay $5) for a paper statement.
Where can I go to get my statement in PDF form?
I've run into this problem numerous times providing documents to whomever.
Step (1) Take a pic of your paper statement
Step (2) Convert the pic online to a PDF
Step (3) Download the PDF and send it in
I use this free JPG to PDF conversion service -- https://jpg2pdf.com/
11:04 am
October 27, 2013

11:51 am
May 27, 2016

AltaRed said
The OP doesn't have a paper statement to begin with, and is looking for an e-statement of some kind that can at least be looked at online and either: 1) downloaded as a PDF, or 2) printed using 'print to PDF' as the optional printer.
Ok, didn't realize that, it must be a very new account because I received a paper year-end summary for my 2020 activity and figured they could use that.
Next best solution then is to log into your account, click on Account Summary, and then click on Print This Page up in the top right corner of the box. Print that output to PDF, rather than selecting your printer.
What you'll get is a PDF showing your account number and current balance with a little Canadian Tire logo. It's not a monthend statement per se but it would seem to meet the requirements.
Note that trying to manufacture your own statement by going into your account detail and picking a Feb 1st start date with a Feb 28th end point to show only February activity to make it seem like a statement doesn't work, because the output from that type of search doesn't have the CT logo
12:16 pm
February 1, 2016

piggybank said
I'm logged into my CTFS account. I don't see where I can find my estatement. When I search for "statement" in the upper-right search box, the closest relevant result is about paper statements, but I don't want to wait (or pay $5) for a paper statement.
Where can I go to get my statement in PDF form?
You can get a PDF from within your CTF account.
While logged into CTFS at 'Account Summary' page;
Open the account you want a PDF for (by clicking on it under 'Account Name');
Screen will show Account Activity (see below);
You may have to select a 'Date Range' if the dates shown are not what you need;
Click on 'Advanced Options' - two choices here: 'Show' and 'Format';
'Show' will default to 'All Statement Items' - that should be good;
Click in the 'Format' box to show a drop down screen of available print options;
'Download to PDF' will be at the bottom of the list - Select that;
Click on 'Search';
A warning will show that the file is being stored on computer;
Click 'Continue' to produce the PDF;
Viewing the PDF is dependent on your browser. It may open or be indicated at bottom of browser screen.
The document is a simple statement of account (No logos, etc.)
I hope that will suffice for your needs.
11:21 am
September 29, 2020

11:40 am
September 6, 2020

11:42 am
September 29, 2020

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