2:00 pm
November 8, 2018

1:07 am
September 29, 2017

From what I can tell, CT Bank does NOT support Interac...
There is no facility to send Interac e-transfers AND they are not listed on the Interac site:
NOTE: the CTC bank listed on the site is mislabelled and is actually the CTBC Bank, not affiliated with CT.
8:48 am
December 18, 2008

No, There is no ability to accept or send e-transfers using the Canadian Tire Financial Services (CTFS) Savings account.
You can link up to 5 external bank accounts at CTFS to pull or send money to and from your account. CTFS also has direct deposit information available, which allows you to link your CTFS account at other banks to pull or send funds at your other bank (ex. Tangerine, EQ Bank, Hubert).
Hope that helps
11:19 am
September 24, 2019

I filled out the on-line application this morning to get a HISA with Canadian Tire Bank. Once I get their package in the mail, I'll be sending a cheque to them.
Decided to do it because I have a lot of funds maturing in the next two months including today with Coast Capital.
I use so many on-line banks now it is incredible. I hope I don't kick the bucket in the near future as my daughter would be spending many hours going through all the phone calls and paperwork. I keep very good records though and she is money savvy so things would be fairly straight forward. I pretty well take annual payments now on GIC's instead of letting the interest compound.
I'll be doing some upgrades to the house in the near future so some of the funds will be spent so we can enjoy our immediate surroundings a little more. We spend so much more time at home now because of Covid as I am sure many of us on here do. Loads of animals around to enjoy. Squirrels, deer, and a huge variety of birds including Stellar Jays!! Talk about money spent on "pet" food!
1:19 pm
September 24, 2019

5:26 pm
December 20, 2016

Alexandra said
Well, still no paperwork from Canadian Tire in the mail yet. Filled out the application as above on the 13th.
I would suggest calling the customer service number and selecting the option to check the status of your application.
I experienced some hiccups in the processing of my application that were easily and quickly resolved with a phone call.
There may be some issues with new staff on their end. Telephone CSR's are very efficient and helpful.
7:16 pm
September 24, 2019

Thanks Nehpets. I did call them yesterday and they were very nice. They said to wait until the end of the week and if still nothing, to call them again. They did check for me while I was on the phone with them and they said they sent everything on the 15th. That was a Sunday, so maybe she meant the 14th or 16th.
8:54 am
September 24, 2019

12:58 pm
March 17, 2022

I called Canadian Tire Bank CTFS this afternoon and specifically asked if Interac e-Transfer was Available yet and they specifically said No.
On the Interac website
It states
Nearly all Canadian banks and credit unions offer Interac e-Transfer. To view the full list, click here.
But of course Canadian Tire Bank isn't one of them.
Have to rely on the Linking of up to 5 external bank accounts however even that can only be done by printing the .pdf form, manually filling out the form and mailing it in! They did state on the phone I could Fax it but no Fax Number is provided on the form. LOL
Shawguy said
No, There is no ability to accept or send e-transfers using the Canadian Tire Financial Services (CTFS) Savings account.You can link up to 5 external bank accounts at CTFS to pull or send money to and from your account. CTFS also has direct deposit information available, which allows you to link your CTFS account at other banks to pull or send funds at your other bank (ex. Tangerine, EQ Bank, Hubert).
Hope that helps
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