4:05 pm
December 22, 2011

5:57 pm
December 22, 2011

I notice it still says 2% as well but if you go to their mainpage on canadian tire it says 1.80% on the lower right box and then when you click the 1.80% box it says 2% still. So I dont know whats going on there. maybe the website is not updated with the new 1.80% as of yet. Maybe doc you can tell us how you found out about the rate drop. Did you come across it on this link like me?
9:49 am
November 8, 2009

10:20 am
I find it amusing that Statistics Canada recently annouced that the inflation rate dropped to 1.9%:
At least we were beating inflation on our savings with CTFS for a few days...
2:18 pm
December 22, 2011

kilarney said:
Soooo where do we stash the cash now? glad to hear that our bank boss is hinting he has to increase the prime soon....about time..
Ever since Mark Carney hinted he may increase rates very soon, guess what happened? The online banks lowered their savings rates..ING to 1.35%, Ally to 1.80% an now Canadian Tire to 1.80%. Why would they do that I wonder? I figure they done it too look good come the bank of canada's increase from 1% to say 1.25%. ING, Ally and Canadian Tire will then raise their rates back to their old rates and advertise stuff like..."LOOK AT US WE JUST RAISED OUR SAVINGS RATES...COME AND PARK YOUR MONEY WITH US"...Well thats only the only reason I can think off why they would drop their raises knowing well that the rate will be raised by the Bank of Canada very soon...Any other thoughts why the rate drop all of a sudden??
5:39 pm
November 8, 2009

it still seems to me they want to force any cash savers to give up on saving. Maybe dump cash back into stocks and mutual funds. None of the money men are able to make commission on cash sitting in accounts. Or the government is desperate to get savers to use parked cash to purchase stuff and get a little economic activity... plus not to mention lots of sales tax and HST for the government.
6:17 pm
August 4, 2010

4:52 am
I'm surprised Crappy Tire bank didn't hang onto their 2% rate a little longer to try and lure refugees from Ally. I think "moneysaver" above is right about the rate drops. They all lower their rates now, and when the BoC raises their rate up a notch, they all follow suit and say "LOOK AT US... WE RAISED OUR RATES TO MATCH THE BoC... AREN'T WE GOOD WITTLE BANKS!!!!!"
1:21 pm
I noticed last year that when I registered the rate was 3% but by the time I choose to act the rate changed to .8% so I cancelled everything.
Instead I went to Canada Direct for TFSA which stayed at 3% all year.
And Accelerate for savings which was 2.2% but recently went down to 2.10%
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