12:07 pm
September 24, 2019

I finally got to open my on-line HISA with C.T. today!!. The entire process took 48 days!! On line application on the 13th Nov., sent cheque with paperwork 27th November. Opened my on-line account 30 Dec 2020.
Sure hope the 1.8% lasts for awhile at least.
Happy NEW YEAR everyone.
This is a great Forum. Thanks to many of you for your interesting and informative contributions!
12:26 pm
January 12, 2018

1:46 pm
May 27, 2016

Hubble said
Wow....You've made my day...Completed online application Dec 12th....Still awaiting the "instruction package" so that I can mail my cheque and wait another month to open the account online.
OTOH look at the bright side -- you get to enjoy a trip down memory lane and bask in the retro experience of how long it took to open online accounts circa 2005, in those halcyon days when the Red Wings were in first place and St. Louis was in last place instead of the other way around
1:57 pm
September 6, 2020

11:41 am
January 12, 2018

Update: CTC High Interest Savings
Dec 12th ...Filled out the online application
Dec 30th ...mailed Identity verification by mail with mandatory attestation by my accountant.
Jan 21st ...Rec'd package back from CTC asking to mail a cheque filled out to myself with initial deposit amount.... as well as CRA form "Declaration of Tax Residence"
They have the nerve to note in the mailing...."Completing the application is as easy as 1,2,3" , and close by saying "Once your account is opened, you will be sent a Welcome Package with all your account details"
I am too far along in the process to quit now....Hopefully up and running by Feb 12th
12:05 pm
September 6, 2020

12:53 pm
September 24, 2019

1:10 pm
January 12, 2018

1:26 pm
February 20, 2013

2:36 pm
October 14, 2014

Frugal said
Had the same problem with long delays in EVERYTHING they do when I applied for an account.
Getting a joint account will take yet more time. First set up individual accounts and then get them to join them. Amateur hour. Finally gave up and told them to cancel the account. Isn't worth the hassle.
Actually, you have the option to open a joint account in one application. On the first page of the online application process, check 'Yes' to 'Is there a co-applicant?'.
2:47 pm
December 20, 2016

techno said
Actually, you have the option to open a joint account in one application. On the first page of the online application process, check 'Yes' to 'Is there a co-applicant?'.
Not recommended, from first hand experience. For some unexplained reason, the option appears to be available on the online application process, but according to CSR's only serves to delay Joint application.
Better for each applicant to submit individual application, then when approved, telephone CSR to merge the applications to create a joint account.
9:48 pm
September 29, 2017

5:26 pm
February 9, 2021

6:32 am
December 20, 2016

supernun said
Once the account is setup with CT, does it get easier to withdraw and deposit or is it a brutal process even then?
Extremely easy! Similar to other online platforms, such as Me2Me. Incoming pull transfers are posted immediately subject to a hold of about 5 days.
What are your concerns?
11:50 am
December 20, 2016

3:01 pm
January 7, 2020

3:34 pm
September 24, 2019

7:02 pm
January 12, 2018

Hubble said
Update: CTC High Interest SavingsDec 12th ...Filled out the online application
Dec 30th ...mailed Identity verification by mail with mandatory attestation by my accountant.
Jan 21st ...Rec'd package back from CTC asking to mail a cheque filled out to myself with initial deposit amount.... as well as CRA form "Declaration of Tax Residence"They have the nerve to note in the mailing...."Completing the application is as easy as 1,2,3" , and close by saying "Once your account is opened, you will be sent a Welcome Package with all your account details"
I am too far along in the process to quit now....Hopefully up and running by Feb 12th
Finally completed the process Feb 17th........9.5 weeks from initial application.
Please write your comments in the forum.