11:43 am
I applied for a CTFS savings account in early February. Because their website and welcome email gave contradictory instructions, I sent an email to the customer service address posted on their website asking for clarification.
I heard nothing back for over a month. Then, in mid-March, 35 days later, they sent me a reply instructing me to click a link directed to a secure page on the canadiantire.egain.net site to read their response. That link was broken.
I sent back another email asking why they took over a month to send me a reply I couldn't read. After another week, I got a response. This one ignored all of my questions and thanked me for notifying them that I had been the victim of a phishing scam.
Now, I doubt that the first reply was really a phishing scam, but if it was then the scammers must have had access to Canadian Tire's system, since that message cited my original customer service email and inquiry number. I sent them another reply pointing this out only to receive a delivery failure notice. My email had been rejected by their spam shield.
Then today, almost 45 days after applying for the account, I received my welcome package in the mail (misaddressed, but that wasn't the cause of most of the delay -- the letter inside is dated about a week ago). It asked me to send in a cheque to complete the application process. Obviously I didn't do so.
Something is rotten at Canadian Tire Financial Services.
5:41 pm
November 8, 2009

I had a similar experience with the waiting for forms and welcome packages. It took a long time but the account is open. TD was for me about the same tedious thing. I like to deal online as much as possible and dont like waiting/trusting for the mail to bring me forms that I sign and then have to send back.
Please write your comments in the forum.