1:07 pm
February 14, 2014
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February 14, 2014
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September 11, 2013
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March 15, 2019
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December 12, 2015
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April 6, 2013
That could work one day if the B2B Bank site were to offer accounts issued by other CDIC members of the Laurentian Bank financial group:
- Laurentian Bank of Canada
- Laurentian Trust of Canada Inc.
- LBC Trust
- B2B Trustco
Right now, the B2B Bank site only offers accounts issued by CDIC member B2B Bank.
7:01 pm
February 14, 2014
Bill said
Just curious...…..what can you do with 4 accounts that you can't do with one?
Sorry Bill, I only saw your question today.
One is emergency money I'm holding for my 96-year-old mother, one is other estate money I'm holding, one is joint (in our minds, not officially with the bank) with my wife, and one is my money which of course might as well be in the joint account (except that I'm free to use it to buy guitars LOL).
Many banks allow for several accounts, usually supporting nicknames for various budget items, savings goals, etc.
9:27 pm
February 14, 2014
Bud said
What do u mean nicknames? still only one 100k cdic coverage per multiple nicks?
My having 4 accounts has nothing to do with CDIC coverage. That was other people's guess. I assume my $100k coverage is for the total of all 4 accounts (but I never even looked into that).
My 4 accounts have nicknames like "Rick", "Mom", "Joint", etc. Nicknames are a lot easier to recognize than trying to remember which account number is which account. Some banks support nicknames; some don't. Tangerine does; B2B does not.
Please write your comments in the forum.