Deposit Maximums Decreased
July 13, 2018
1:49 pm
1:49 pm
Forum Posts: 997
Member Since:
December 20, 2016
December 20, 2016

July 17, 2018
8:20 am
8:20 am
Forum Posts: 607
Member Since:
January 9, 2011
January 9, 2011

And here's the 'corporate speak explanation?' that went along with it;
" We’re growing, and that’s a great thing! As we continue along our growth path we remain committed to providing you the best rates possible on our eAccounts. To support this commitment we’re making an important change to our maximum deposit limits. "
Whaaaat?? Reading this kind of drivel is enough to make me toss my cookies. What possesses these companies to not be straight with their clients and provide a straight honest explanation?
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
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