10:58 pm
To gr8wun:
In answer to your question as to why, "The banks have the money and scale to do this if it made financial sense from a banks point of view, so what is missing???".
The answer is that Chartered Banks in Canada (especially large ones like RBC) have a liberal elitist mentality and a sense of entitlement and do not feel that they should have to compete on a level playing field in the marketplace, or provide any extra customer service in order to get business. They can gouge their customers and receive bailout money from taxpayers with impunity, without the need to be competitive due to their shear size alone. Smaller start-up banks need to be more innovative and bring better quality and more competitive products to the marketplace in order to make a niche for themselves. The large banks can not be bothered with the time and money required to keep well informed customers from leaving, and it is not profitable to them to provide better products in order to keep a relatively few small fry from leaving the pen of the vast majority of people who are complacent.
12:55 am
December 18, 2008

ALLY is covered by CDIC
ResMor Trust Company|Compagnie de Fiducie ResMor
We're Ally, built on the foundation of ResMor Trust Company.
Answer the question? (same reason you don't see PC Financial in that list they are under CIBC)
4:40 pm
jy said:
I was just informed by Ally that to open transfer accounts, they now accept only cheques with pre-printed addresses on them. Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Is this requirement unique to Ally?
I just logged in to Ally and still see the option to use "online test deposits" instead of having to use the second option of paper cheques to link an account. I've linked up three accounts recently using online test deposits with no issue and the option is still there in the logged in account view. Cheques aren't required for linking that I can see.
Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're stating and you're talking exclusively about the details when you send in paper cheques (without implying the online linking no longer exists). From what I've seen, pre-printed cheques or original account statements are the norm when linking accounts at most institutions. I've never even seen cheques that aren't pre-printed other than promotional Mastercard Cheques. Many institutions will provide you with a set of pre-printed temporary cheques for your savings accounts (i.e. cheques that you aren't allowed to actually use to write a cheque) in order to allow you to link up your accounts more easily with other institutions. HSBC Direct printed 25 temporary cheques for me for my savings account so I could do all my linking and even waived the usual charge.
2:15 am
December 12, 2009

Regarding temporary cheques, some institutions don't have the capability to issue pre-printed temporary cheques; however, you can always request a stamped, signed "void cheque" form or "account verification" form for direct deposit and pre-authorized payments. Institutions like PC Financial may not currently accept such forms but they should - I believe they may even be required to but would have to check Canadian Payments Association rules.
Regarding Ally Bank sign-up, I had the same issue as Prag's husband. I believe I registered online on either Sept. 5th or 6th, tried calling Ally to complete sign-up, was told to call back in a couple business days and then told they had to call me. I waited for the call, so I called back several times and was told "they're working through their list" and would get back to me. Staff support is a joke and if you ask a question, they won't give you anything other than a vague, scripted response. There's absolutely no adlibbing. It may have something to do with the address on my credit bureau report (certainly not my credit score as I have what's termed to be an "excellent" score and beacon score - in fact, virtually the highest achievable score possible). I had registered with my municipality's new name in my mailing address as opposed to the old name (even though the municipality incorporated in December 2008!). No other bank seems to have this problem except Ally. I'm going to call them again this weekend but don't hold out much hope.
I'd give their website design and rates high marks but their implementation, customer support, account sign-up and such all 2- or 3- out of 10 possible points.
3:52 am
Doug said:
Regarding Ally Bank sign-up, I had the same issue as Prag's husband. I believe I registered online on either Sept. 5th or 6th, tried calling Ally to complete sign-up, was told to call back in a couple business days and then told they had to call me. I waited for the call, so I called back several times and was told "they're working through their list" and would get back to me.
I guess their backlog of work for manual credit checks must be really piling up, presumably due to excess demand to open new accounts due to their interest rates being so high. An understaffing issue probably combined with underestimating how many signups would not be able to be handled by the automated credit check. They should state a more accurate amount of time to call you back when the automated credit check process I went through online doesn't work and they have to do things manually. By saying "a couple days" instead of 5 or 10 business days they are not managing expectations. I would much rather know it will take a while up front and stop thinking about it than be left wondering and inquiring.
We did not call them back other than the initial phone call post website-signup as we wanted to see how long it would take for everything to happen on its own. It took 5 business days for them to get through the queue and create my husband's account, but I imagine now it's likely longer. If you're lucky enough to get through the automated credit check web signup like I did, it's literally instantaneous.
I've done some bank to bank transfers in the last few days and they all occur expediently.
7:28 pm
December 12, 2009

Perhaps and I completely agree, Prag, they aren't managing expectations at all plus they probably are understaffed. The call centre phone number is the same for Ally Bank in the U.S. so it's likely a call centre based in a lower cost centre and they keep staffing at absolute minimal levels. Like your husband, I would've preferred more detailed responses, more ability to go "off-script" and being told truthfully, "this is going to take a few weeks. I do apologize and as a small token of our appreciation for your business, we will credit your new account with $10 for the longer than anticipated delay". Had they done that, I'd have absolutely no issues. I also would've wished they had these kinks worked out before they launched and also that they would've completed the conversion of ResMor Trust Company into Ally Bank Canada (a Schedule II [foreign owned] Chartered Bank).
6:33 am
December 18, 2008

Actually Ally US and ALLY Canada have different phone numbers...
ALLY US: 1-877-246-ALLY (2559)
ALLY CANADA: 1-866-246-ALLY (2559)
US is 877 and Canada is 866.
Call centre may in the same place - I don't know....but right now there is a 3 min wait for the US call centre and 0 min wait for the Canada one as per the website.
9:59 pm
roc, so how big is your nest egg now?
Edit by admin: Please keep discussion in this thread on the topic of Ally. Discussions about personal stories should take place in this forum.
11:11 am
I got a call from Ally last week where they were mentioning a problem on their statements that they will be rectifying. I thanked them and said I don't pay much attention to statements anyway since I login to see the current status of my account online. I hadn't gotten my statement yet so made note to look closely at it when it arrived.
I got my first statement from Ally last Friday and looked for the mistake they spoke about. I found it: in a couple lines it said $1.2 million dollars had been deposited in my account. LOL! The reality was more like a thousand or so.
The final total and the debits were correct, but in those boxes up top the total credits was obviously calculated improperly for the statements. Online, my account view has always been correct.
Well, at least I was temporarily a millionnaire on paper - sort of. 😆
11:57 am
A few people have given a website address which verifies that Ally is a member of CIDC. Ally has fixed up this webpage to look like it's a CIDC webpage, but it's not! Its a fake created by
Ally on their own website. If you go to the real CIDC website, Ally is not listed by CIDC as a member!
6:45 am
Stan said:
A few people have given a website address which verifies that Ally is a member of CIDC. Ally has fixed up this webpage to look like it's a CIDC webpage, but it's not! Its a fake created by
Ally on their own website. If you go to the real CIDC website, Ally is not listed by CIDC as a member!
As people already mentioned earlier in the thread, Ally is part of ResMor Trust Company|Compagnie de Fiducie ResMor which IS clearly listed on the CDIC website link if you look under "R" for "ResMor Trust Company".
As per the Ally website:
"Ally, a product of ResMor Trust Company.
©2009 ResMor Trust Company.
All rights Reserved."
1:42 pm
October 5, 2009

Prag said:
As people already mentioned earlier in the thread, Ally is part of ResMor Trust Company.
It's rather unclear as to how Ally structured corporately in relation to ResMor, but it doesn't appear to be a separate entity with CDIC coverage under the Ally name. So . . . if you are already loaded up to the limit with ResMor GICs, you don't want to be putting more $$$ into Ally, until this is all clarified.
3:27 pm
December 18, 2008

Stan.... Look at the same CDIC website and tell me where you see Presidents Choice Financial.....you don't - because they are covered under CIBC and when you go the CIBC website it has PC Financial listed on there...
Therefore because Ally is directly under Resmor Trust company and their accounts use the same transit number as Resmor trust...I can't see what Ally would get out of lying to the public about CDIC insurance. and I am sure CDIC would complain if they stated they were covered and in fact were not.
6:20 pm
October 5, 2009

SG said:
Therefore because Ally is directly under Resmor Trust company and their accounts use the same transit number as Resmor trust...I can't see what Ally would get out of lying to the public about CDIC insurance. and I am sure CDIC would complain if they stated they were covered and in fact were not.
I didn't say they were lying, but they have sure presented themselves as being a tad slippery. I have no reason to trust the. While some say that they are some sort of trademark of ResMor Trust; they call themselves a Bank and not a trust company. Others say they are a banking branch of American GMAC Financial; which might explain why they are not covered by CDIC.
Before I toss a $100,000 in their direction, I would need a lot more information that is currently available.
Wonder why why it was so easy for Bernie Madoff and Earl Jones to make off with millions of dollars of suckers money!!?
6:03 pm
December 12, 2009

Someone mentioned Ally is a series of deposit products (high-interest savings accounts and GICs) offered ResMor Trust Company, a CDIC-member entity. They are in the process of transforming ResMor Trust Company into a Schedule II Chartered Bank (like HSBC Bank Canada, ICICI Bank Canada and ING Bank of Canada, to name several) which would be renamed Ally Bank Canada and have a Letters Patent of continuation from a trust company into a chartered bank currently before the Office of Superintendent of Financial Institutions ("OSFI").
I have received a reply from Nancy Desormeaux, Correspondence Officer with OSFI. Please see it:
"Thank you for your e-mail of September 6, 2009, concerning the statuses of ResMor Trust Company and the Wal-Mart Bank application.
Due to confidentiality requirements contained in the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) Act, we are unable to provide the public with information with respect to applications that may have been submitted to our Office. Therefore, I cannot provide you with an update on the status of the ResMor Trust Company.
As for the status of the Wal-Mart Canada Bank, I can confirm that they have received Letters Patent of Incorporation under the Bank Act, effective July 24, 2009. They are in the process of completing the necessary steps to obtain the Order to Commence and Carry on Business by the Superintendent. Once the Superintendent approves the Order to Commence Business, they will be added to the list of Who We Regulate on our Web site.
With regard to the financial institutions listed in liquidation on our Web site, they are in their last stages of dissolution, but have not yet issued Letters Patent of Dissolution. The OSFI Act prevents us from disclosing more information.
I hope that the foregoing will be of assistance.
Nancy Desormeaux
Correspondence Officer / Agente de la correspondance"
10:03 pm
My experience with Ally:
09/22/09 I opened an account on-line (no problem).
09/29/09 I mailed out my initial cheque with completed deposit slip.
10/06/09 I called Ally why my initial deposit does not show in my account?
Was told to allow 7 to 10 business days.
10/14/09 I called Ally again, since now 10 business days.
Was told someone from Bank-op will look into it & call me back 2-3 days.
10/19/09 finally showed my initial deposit on 10/16/09: that's 12 days.
10/21/09 Ally called me to advise my initial deposit was received - but I already knew that 2 days ago.
10/23/09 I called Ally again as to why my initial deposit was still not withdrawn from my external account? Was told they will look into it.
10/27/09 My external account finally show my initial deposit deducted.
Seems Ally is not doing anything till I call to question why. Makes my weary to recommend to my family & friends.
Please write your comments in the forum.