AcceleRate increases its savings and TFSA interest rate to 1.90%
It's up from 1.80% to 1.90%
See the full rate history on the chart:
October 11, 2013
10:33 am
10:33 am
Forum Posts: 190
Member Since:
January 30, 2009
January 30, 2009

October 11, 2013
7:14 pm
7:14 pm
Forum Posts: 160
Member Since:
August 28, 2013
August 28, 2013

That is really nice! Problem is how to deposit funds as there are not so many ATM machines in North of GTA (actually 0, and few in Markham).
That makes life really complicated, unfortunately. At least their cheques are free. I might order few batches of 20 in case they change their mind and start charging for it.
I hope others will follow suite and start interests rate rising 'war'.
Please write your comments in the forum.