2:31 pm
December 12, 2009
Story link: https://pembinavalleyonline.com/local/new-merger-talks-announced-at-access-credit-union
Second story link with commentary: https://pembinavalleyonline.com/local/acu-merger-would-meld-credit-unions-with-common-heritage-values
Discussions are advancing, and the two credit unions appear ready to submit the merger proposal to Manitoba credit union regulators in the coming months, with member votes occurring in spring 2020 (likely in March or April 2020, in tandem with their AGMs). Since the two recently completed banking system migrations, full technology, system, and brand integration could occur relatively quickly, possibly by July 2020.
If consummated, the pair would likely surpass Steinbach Credit Union as the largest Manitoba credit union by assets at the end of 2020 and certainly by 2021.
Both Access and Crosstown Civic credit unions accept non-Manitoba residents, one directly, and the latter through AcceleRate Financial. Will AcceleRate Financial remain, or stop accepting new members? If it remains, will it be rebranded as "a division of Access Credit Union" (as Access Credit Union seems the likely surviving name?
Please write your comments in the forum.