Any update to progress of online banking? | Peoples Trust | Discussion forum

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Any update to progress of online banking?
March 8, 2012
1:37 pm

Well, the title asks my question. Does anyone know if Peoples Trust will be making their online banking service available soon? Last time I contacted them I was told to keep checking their website.


March 9, 2012
8:10 am

With all the other choices in the market that are true high-rate virtual institutions (i.e. Achieva, Outlook, PC & Ally), I'm perplexed why indivuals invest through an organization that has very limited access to their funds? They have been promising an online banking solution for years.

March 10, 2012
4:05 am

Peoples Trust doesnt limit access to your funds. All you need to do is send them an email or give them a call and they'll attend to your needs without any delay. I've had much better customer service from PT than most virtual (or non-virtual) institutions out there. On top of that they stay true to their posted rates and dont bs their clients around like the vast majority of financial institutions. Online banking would be nice, but since its a savings bank, I can happily live without it.

March 10, 2012
7:36 am

N said:

Peoples Trust doesnt limit access to your funds. All you need to do is send them an email or give them a call and they'll attend to your needs without any delay. I've had much better customer service from PT than most virtual (or non-virtual) institutions out there. On top of that they stay true to their posted rates and dont bs their clients around like the vast majority of financial institutions. Online banking would be nice, but since its a savings bank, I can happily live without it.

Just out of curiosity....why are their TFSA GIC rates higher than non TFSA GIC rates?

March 10, 2012
3:17 pm

Because the TFSA limit per account is a max of $20,000. It is much cheaper to pay a higher rate on $20K versus $200K.

May 12, 2012
7:22 am
Forum Posts: 682
Member Since:
August 4, 2010
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

From Peoples Trust annual report for 2010:

The introduction of a full on-line web banking platform in mid-2011 will greatly improve both the ease of customer access and the efficiency of the system and therefore allow solid growth to occur next year.

From the new 2011 report just released:

Extensive design and testing has been done on a new web banking platform which will allow us to offer a wider range of deposit products to our customers. We expect this project to be complete in mid 2012.

May 28, 2012
6:48 am

I'm hoping its really well tested.. Nice looking.. etc.. Hopefully available soon.. At the very minimum let me check my balance via onlince / mobile / sms..

May 30, 2012
1:55 pm


I have emailed People's Trust and asked when they thought online banking would be one has gotten back to me. (2 days now). I have money invested with them and would like to invest more, but without online banking I find it hard to justify.

May 31, 2012
7:21 am

I use PT for my TFSA cash I don't plan on touching for awhile..

I have egnough money elsewhere that I can handle a day or 2 anyways to transfer money.. Remember PT is out west so its easier for people in the east to file transfers late.. Hopefully avail by years end..

June 26, 2012
5:26 am

Yes, the internet banking would certainly be more convenient for customers and I am looking forward to having access to it this year. I hope it doesn't lead to the deterioration of their great TFSA rate! I'd gladly keep the rate at 3% if it meant they weren't going to jump on the seesaw with ING who are lowering their rates quite often. It is always difficult to start up a new system, so hope everything goes well and we'll get internet banking soon.

June 27, 2012
12:07 pm

Well I'm still waiting too, but I did open another account with them....can't beat the 2.1% savings rate. Guess I can put up with waiting 3 weeks for a statement to come snail mail. No one ever did respond to my email in May.

June 28, 2012
9:14 pm

Are the statements account specific? Do you see your TFSA and the Savings account on the same statement? I only have a TFSA currently which I believe is quarterly..

June 29, 2012
3:53 am

I only have the HISA with them. Just opened another joint account too. Called them yesterday and they gave me my balance. June's statements will be mailed next week, so I'll see if I get that one.

July 1, 2012
5:14 am

Comet makes a good point.. With online banking I dont think PT will be maintaining these rates.. It's just to easy to open accounts and transfer these days..

July 15, 2012
5:28 am

Well, I'm not sure about "easy" when it comes to online transfers. It's not bad unless you are trying to move TFSA money. This apparently takes 4-6 weeks, if you can believe it. ING zapped the money out of my account quickly enough but apparently is sending the funds to Peoples Trust by snail (not even snail mail). 4-6 weeks in this electronic age is a rip-off, if I ever saw one. Any other fund transfers presumably only take a few days.

July 15, 2012
8:22 pm

Comet said:

Well, I'm not sure about "easy" when it comes to online transfers. It's not bad unless you are trying to move TFSA money. This apparently takes 4-6 weeks, if you can believe it. ING zapped the money out of my account quickly enough but apparently is sending the funds to Peoples Trust by snail (not even snail mail). 4-6 weeks in this electronic age is a rip-off, if I ever saw one. Any other fund transfers presumably only take a few days.

Yes, that is how they do it. They take it out of your account immediately and then take their time mailing it to the receiving institution. That way they still hang on to your money for several weeks for free.

July 16, 2012
2:11 pm

Please don't de-list financial institutions for not having online banking!

I'm among those who absolutely refuse to do any online banking. I want real-time phone service and an office I can visit. I LIKE paper transactions. Old school but safe, especially if I start getting Alzheimer's. 8^?

For me, the downside to them is no 24-hour phone service. Limited hours. For a TFSA I don't need to do a lot of moving in and out, and there are almost no fees on that part of it. As others have noted, a higher TFSA rate than non-registered is pretty common, as people tend to leave their registered deposits in one place. (My 4% ING TF-GIC will mature next spring, and I'll see what I want to do when consolidating.)

After nearly a year of waffling, I decided to move the TFSA I had at ING to Peoples. After a research call to pin down some details, I visited their downtown office here in Vancouver on June 28th and talked to a real person to fill out the forms and send things off. I specifically opted for a paper transfer form and had it sent by mail. They confirmed they got it in the mail the same day. To contain transfers et al, they also opened a savings account.

As noted above, ING didn't seem to move very quickly; they claimed to not have received the forms yet. It was only this morning that the confirmed they'd sent the cash by EFT; I'll see how long it takes to get deposited and if they pull it early. This is important - it is very illegal to hold funds without crediting interest. Even banks have overnight rates among themselves.

I was surprised - I have been with ING since the beginning, and their service, fairness and transparency are second to none I've experienced elsewhere. I value 24-hour full-service non-web banking, monthly paper statements (you have to ask or you get quarterly) and what until now have been great GIC rates. If I get screwed for the three weeks, you'll hear about it.

Now that I have an account with Peoples, I am indeed less likely to start up with another institution. I have about $95K coming out of VanCity and ING terms paying 4.75% and .65%, and with GIC rates iffy I want to park it and see if the corn crop failure moves inflation, and thus interest rates, before I pull the trigger on a long-term commitment. I'll put more in the thread about dropping rates.

October 30, 2012
9:52 am
Forum Posts: 1459
Member Since:
May 15, 2007
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Looks like Peoples Trust now offers online banking:

I don't have an account there, so I can't comment any further on it!

October 30, 2012
12:01 pm

Great find Peter!.. I noticed their homepage had changed today.. I didn't see online banking.. Looks like you need to go here.. to switch your savings account.. The lady on the phone told me only applies to savings accounts at the moment.. Not sure if it's going to work for registered... If they maintain 3% im happy with having to mail stuff etc..

November 12, 2012
4:15 pm
British Columbia, Canada
Forum Posts: 4313
Member Since:
December 12, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks for the "hat tip" on Peoples Trust online banking, Peter! :)

I do find it interesting that, after years of saying they're developing online banking, they simply partner with the credit union-owned MemberDirect system, which is what they should've done in the first place! It's also interesting they're forcing people to close down their existing accounts and opening new ones in order to have online banking - seems like a bastardized system instead of working to integrate existing accounts and infrastructure into the new online banking platform! :(

Oh well, c'est le vie, eh Max!? ;)

Now all we need is Bridgewater Bank to finally launch online banking, hopefully through MemberDirect as well. :)


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